Bright Fame is a foundation that works outreaching among prostitutes, especially in the Red Light District in Amsterdam. Our street workers walk the streets every day, both during the day and in the evening. The purpose of this outreaching work is to get to know the women / men, to make contact and to build a relationship.
On the street the contact differs from simply a greeting to a conversation or prayer together. The conversations on the street are about different things such as:
- Personal circumstances
- Pastoral conversations
- Social and legal issues
An important and recurring question that Bright Fame asks is: What is your dream? Remarkably, it appears that most women / men, despite the often difficult circumstances, indeed have a dream. Often that dream is: back to normal life. Such a “normal” sounding answer also provides clues for follow-up questions. What do you need for that? Which steps need to be taken? How can we help you? In all cases, the wife / husband receives an invitation for a follow-up interview at the Bright Fame office, close to the Red Light District.
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