Social Work

Social and legal staff are present at our office. They are committed to helping the women with their help. Our employees offer practical help, encourage and stand next to the women. This concerns all kinds of practical issues concerning assistance and in the process of getting out such as:


  • Search for affordable living space
  • Search for a suitable job or education
  • Pastoral conversations
  • Helping with tax matters
  • Applying for a benefit
  • Debt counseling
  • Contact with other authorities
  • Psychological help
  • Save houses

Work projects:
Various initiatives for work projects have been undertaken in recent years. Two pre-existing projects are: making haircut and fair clothing and training as a barber at a barbershop. These projects are small-scale work experience projects for someone who wants to get out of prostitution through training. We also have various contacts with employers who can offer a job after leaving the company. We are always looking for more employment. Many prostitutes can only stop if there is actually other work for them.

Save house options:
Bright Fame has connections with different reception locations and is closely involved in initiatives to create more reception options. When the women / men go to one of these reception locations, we remain involved. First of all, here is the space to unwind. This peace and space is necessary because the women / men are often in a survival mode and are mentally and physically exhausted. They are accepted as they are and are given room to develop. There is guidance through coaching conversations. As soon as the women / men are settled and ready to move on, we look for suitable follow-up options such as a suitable job or education. Until that time, most have already gained some work experience through the present projects, cleaning work and housework.


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