Other activities
As a Bright Fame we are involved, in addition to street work and assistance, with:
Awareness of issues related to prostitution and motivating people to do something about it. We do this among others. at our office in Amsterdam where we regularly receive groups of students and students from various courses. We also participate in all kinds of investigations, we give interviews and presentations and we give speaking engagements.
We can be a mouthpiece for women who cannot make their voice heard. Indeed, there is only a very small group of articulate women who make their voices heard, but the story of a large group of women with whom we have contact is not heard. At local, national and international level, we are allowed to act as spokespersons for these women and are invited to make their voices heard. We have good contacts with various politicians.
Bright Fame has its own place in the Red Light District and finds it important to work together as much as possible with other similar organizations. We are part of various partnerships. In Amsterdam, joint prayer meetings take place with the various Christian organizations and we work closely with the Scarlet Cord. Nationally, a relief network is active from which joint actions are developed and we are part of the CPOE consultation for aid to Eastern Europe.
Prevention work:
Bright Fame believes it is important that young people learn at a young age how to make healthy choices in the field of sexuality. Children and young people are confronted at a young age with the most diverse information about sexuality. The social and social pressure to be sexually active at a young age is particularly high. This creates the risk of disturbed sexual development and sexual cross-border behavior. So-called loverboys abuse the vulnerability of girls and boys and exploit them in prostitution. Based on honest and objective information, Bright Fame wants to encourage young people to make healthy choices in the sexual area and we encourage parents and educators to support them in this. Power in Purity provides classes and speaking engagements for Bright Fame in which topics such as Self-image, limits, resilience, sexuality, loverboys and prostitution are discussed.