14 July 2020


The windows are open again for more than a week now and in comparison to last week, more
women went back to work. A few have returned from their home countries this weekend and
obviously it was very nice to see them again.
It was a grey, rainy happening last night, which was probably the reason it was so quiet at the RedLight. Here and there a group of tourists, some youngsters and a few customers walking past the windows looking for a woman.

But the peaceful picture is gone ever since the Red Light opened again. There is not much to earn for the women, not even their rooms. It has been a reasonable day if, at the end of the workday, they have some money left after paying all the costs. Multiple women asked us for information about education, the trainings we have facilitated thesepast few months and possibilities for different work.

It is nice to see that all the women that participated in Dignita’s summerschool or the Bright Fame trainings finished it. That also shows how seriously the women are working on their futures.

Will you keep an eye out with us for affordable apartments in and around Amsterdam and job opportunities? Options in other areas of the country are welcome, too, for other organisations can use those. If you know something, you can send the information to info@brightfame-3.local Both the women and we have the feeling we can do this together.

Donations can be transferred to:

NL53 INGB 0004 1039 12 in the name of Stichting Bright Fame, indicating ‘Omwenteling’

Will you pray and carry with us?
Bright Fame is an ANBI acknowledge foundation.
Postbus 12274  1100 AG Amsterdam
+31 6 54985459  +31 20 2602118

Frits Rouvoet
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